Ifá’s Guidance is delivered by the Odu Ogbe Owonrin, and it comes with blessings. Learn about the energies impacting you this week, and what to do about it.
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Chief Awodele Ifayemi comes from a long line of reputable Babalawos. He is the Awo Mayegun of Ilobu Land, Osun State Nigeria. He shares his knowledge of Ifá with whoever is seeking to find their “truth” in life. He teaches that Ifá is a Spiritual Philosophy that teaches Self-Empowerment via Self-Accountability.
Ifa’s guidance for this week was delivered by the Odu Ogbe Odi where Ifá says that activity grounded in truth brings progress and good fortune.
Ifa’s guidance for this week was delivered by the Odu Oyeku Ika. Ifa tells us that we need to quiet our emotions so that we can think clearly.
Ifa’s guidance for the week was delivered by the Odu Oyeku Iwori where Ifá tells us that even though things might seem tough right now, there’s a bright future waiting for you.
Ifa’s guidance for this week was delivered by the Odu Ogunda Meji where Ifá says that this is a time for patience and careful attention to inner truth.
Ifa’s Guidance for the week comes via the Odu Odi Ofun, and it speaks of challenges for the week ahead. Come learn what you need to do to avoid problems this coming week.
Ifá’s Guidance for the week comes via the Odu Okanran Ogunda, and it comes with blessings. Learn about the energies impacting you this week, and what to do about it.